All posts by Matthew Aquilina Manché

Terminator meets Mad Men? The Present and Future of AI and Marketing

Post by Matthew Aquilina Manché – Co-Founder at NERO WHYTE

Hey there, fellow humans! Here at Nero Whyte, we’re always on the lookout for ways to make our clients’ campaigns more effective. And you know what we’ve discovered? AI is like the Swiss Army Knife of marketing tools.

With AI, we can analyse data faster than a cheetah on roller skates. It can help us personalise our clients’ messages like a concierge at a fancy hotel. And let’s not forget, it can even help us generate content like a caffeinated hamster on a wheel. It’s like having a robot sidekick who never sleeps and always has your back.

But let’s be real, AI isn’t going to turn into a Terminator and replace us humans anytime soon. We’re more like the Mad Men of marketing, bringing that creative spark and human touch to every campaign. We’re the ones who come up with the big ideas, the catchy slogans, and the witty one-liners that make your brand stand out.


Our ultimate goal is to help our clients achieve their marketing goals, and if AI can help us do that, then bring on the robots! Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger and his trusty shotgun, we’ll use AI as a tool to help us take down the competition. And who knows, maybe someday we’ll have a robot Don Draper on our team, pitching ideas and downing cocktails like a pro.


So, let’s embrace the power of AI and use it to make our marketing efforts even more awesome. Because who knows, maybe someday we’ll be replaced by robot marketers, and then we can all take a nice long vacation. But until then, let’s show the robots who’s boss and keep bringing that human touch to every campaign.

Let’s have a chat.

The Superhero of Your Industry: How Effective Branding Can Change the Game

Post by Matthew Aquilina Manché – Co-Founder at NERO WHYTE

So, here’s the deal. We’re going to tell you a little bit about ourselves, about 4 things we believe about branding, but don’t worry, we won’t bore you to death. We’ll keep it light-hearted and cunning, just like our brand strategies. So, without further ado, let’s get down to business.

#1 Brands Can Change The World

First things first, we believe that brands are the superheroes of the business world. They have the power to change the world, one tribe member (or customer) at a time. Think about it; without brands, we’d all be walking around in brown paper bags, trying to sell our products and services. How boring would that be? We’re here to help you become the superhero of your industry, and we take that responsibility very seriously.


#2 Brands Must Build Tribes

We believe that the most successful brands are the ones that build tribes, with customers at the heart of everything they do. While we don’t necessarily agree with the age-old adage, “the customer is always right,” we do recognise the importance of prioritising their needs. We believe that a brand’s success is a 50-50 collaboration between you, the company, and your tribe of loyal customers. Your brand provides the product or service, while your customers provide valuable feedback and loyalty that make your brand thrive. They become an integral part of your brand’s identity, bringing it to life in ways that you could not have imagined. By prioritising your customers’ needs and desires in your brand strategy, you’ll create a loyal following that will stick with you through thick and thin.


#3 A Brand Is NOT A Logo

We believe that branding is not just about a logo or a catchy tagline. It’s about creating an experience that people will remember. Our team works tirelessly to create a consistent and memorable experience that will leave a lasting impression on your customers.


#4 You Are Unique 

We believe that every business is unique, like a snowflake, but without the cold and the slush. That’s why we don’t have a one-size-fits-all solution. We take the time to get to know you, your business, your audience, and your dog’s name to create a branding strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives.


Our branding process is like making a soufflé. It requires patience and precision. We work closely with you to identify your brand’s personality, voice, and values, like a therapist, but without the couch. We help you define your target audience, understand their needs and desires, and craft a brand that speaks directly to them, like a secret code.


So, if you’re looking for a branding service that goes beyond creating a pretty logo, look no further. We’re like the Robin to your Batman, the Kermit to your Miss Piggy, the milk to your cereal. Contact us today, and let’s work together to create a brand that will make your competitors green with envy.

Let’s have a chat.

The Value Of Social Media In Business

Post by Matthew Aquilina Manché – Marketing Director at NERO WHYTE

Trying to keep up with digital technology is sometimes like trying to keep sight of a cheetah chasing a gazelle at midnight under an African moon – it moves fast, often unpredictable and it could leave you feeling lost and in the dark fairly easily.

It is especially unpredictable for business owners who do not have the time to keep up with ever-changing trends and new types of media coming into the market place. The truth is (whether we like it or not), it is crucial for everyone and anyone who functions within today’s economy to stay educated on the state of social media in particular – one must know where consumers are looking and where they are interacting. According to stats, the global number of daily active social media users is 3.2 billion, meaning that 42% of the population of the world are interacting on these platforms.

Social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are all gathering places for the 42% of the population of the world who’s interests are diverse as, well, as diverse as the interests of close to half the worlds people! Any business person who knows these facts, would surely see the potential and want to ‘at least’ have a peek to see what benefit it can bring to their business.

So then, when it comes to your business, are you using social media to its full potential?

Do you believe that it could play a big part in increasing your company’s revenue?

Do you see the value of social media in your business?

You may already be a social media believer and don’t need convincing or you might still be a little unsure about the true value social media could present. Either way, we want to point out some of the most important reasons why your business could benefit greatly from the use of these game-changing platforms:

Brand Awareness

We find here that we have been presented with a great opportunity to stamp our brand identity with great reach and bring our services/products into the attention of the people who are actually looking for them.

The concept of having ‘followers’ who are looking at your every post is the perfect opportunity to create and shape brand awareness for your service/product in a real-time way, that once upon a time (not so long ago), was something marketers could only dream about. Through social media, you can now set your brand image and tone of voice in a matter of moments. Although, getting good reach and following requires time, patience and consistent quality content.


Customer Interaction and Community Nurturing

When it comes to interaction with current customers and prospects, there is no better way than the use of social media. Whether it be B2B (LinkedIn) or B2C (Instagram and Facebook), different social platforms offer different solutions and help you target different markets.

Whether it be sharing a blog post on LinkedIn, a product shot on Facebook or a video on an Instagram story – every time you share is a customer interaction opportunity. Through commenting and direct messaging, all the walls holding back communication between brand and consumer have now been dropped.


Lead Generation and Sales

Welcome to the funeral of cold calling (A life that not many would like to celebrate) – we now live in a world where social media has birthed new life in what we call social selling. In a nutshell, social selling has given us the opportunity to leverage our social networks towards finding the right prospects through developing relationships as part of the sales process.

Additionally, through actions like content sharing, social media presents multiple ways to generate leads. For example, an increasingly popular approach is through sharing gated content (i.e eBooks, white paper, content upgrades, email series, webinars and more). Simply put, gated content requires that a user enters personal information (i.e email address, company name/size, company revenue..etc) in order to obtain access to the resource.


Looking to take your first step into social media for your business?

Want to up your current social media presence?

Maybe you are looking for a dedicated team to take care of your social media activities?

We would love to get the opportunity to hear you out and understand if we can assist in any way – So whether it be a phone call, email or maybe even smoke signals, please do not hesitate to get in touch, we are all about connecting.

Let’s have a chat.

Photo (Left): Austin Distel

When Merch Met Fashion

Post by Matthew Aquilina Manché – Marketing Director at NERO WHYTE

It was a summer afternoon in West Hollywood, Los Angeles in 2017. I was casually taking a stroll down Melrose Avenue, minding my own business until something shocking happened… something I never thought I’d see but it was there, right in front of me. It was a forty something-year-old hairy, tattooed, biker-type man walking down the street, proudly sporting a Justin Bieber merch item.  I thought to myself, “Ok, this is crazy but this is also Los Angeles. This is new but has this guy lost his clothes in a bar fight and grabbed the first thing he found in H&M?”  (Yes, Purpose Tour merch was sold at H&M)

The truth is – Justin Bieber’s Purpose Tour Merch Collection was more than just merchandise, this was a fashion statement and a game-changing moment within the fashion and music industry alike. American designer Jerry Lorenzo, the man behind fashion brand Fear Of God was the designer of the Purpose Tour merch. This collab between music and fashion industry titans left a mark that has made merch ‘cool again’ or to be more appropriate ‘lit’.

So here we have the perfect example of music merch meeting fashion, but that’s only a part of this marriage.

Another key player in the merch and fashion love story is the thrift store. Vintage clothing has caused a revival not only for brands like Champion, Fila, Diadora and so on … but also for, yes you know it, music merch. There is no better proof to this than looking at what’s on the high street shelves, it is safe to say music merch is back. When I say back, I mean back in time. AC/DC, Nirvana, Metallica, Guns n Roses etc… all on the rails of stores like Urban Outfitters and H&M. This isn’t really a result of H&M’s strategies but more of a sign of the times, as well as a clear sign of what the ‘cool kids’ have been wearing a couple years prior.


So, this leaves us in an exciting place and more clear proof that in the creative world, the rules are made to broken. Cross collaboration is where it’s at and for music artists, merch can be taken to new levels and expand opportunity. As an artist, you can now cross-promote via collaboration and use items of clothing (as well as other items of merchandise) as a new way to reach people through your brand.

Here at NERO WHYTE we love both music and fashion – with backgrounds not only in design but also, garment manufacturing, fashion product development and music industry experience, we just might be the perfect team to help you bring your future merch collections off the ground.

Let’s have a chat.

Photo (Left): Purpose Tour Merch

What Is Your True ‘Brand’ Identity?

Post by Matthew Aquilina Manché – Marketing Director at NERO WHYTE

Window shopping down the high street? Browsing through the supermarket aisles to find dinner? Driving to the gym in the early hours of the day? Throughout these daily motions, there is a reoccurring thing in coming into your sight, and more often than not, you are registering and unconsciously processing this thing within your subconscious …


Even though this thing is reoccurring, every time you come across it, it evokes a different gut feeling within you. So what is it?


Yep. You’ve guessed it/the title gave it away … Brand.


We are constantly surrounded by this thing we call brand.

So then, what exactly is it? In advertising terms, a brand is any feature that sets apart and identifies one product, service or company from another. To the contrary belief, branding doesn’t only consist of visual design aspects – A brand is truly set by the feelings it evokes in people. Whether it be feelings of trust or disgust, happiness or ghastliness, a brand is what people perceive of a product, service or company – and because of this, we now find ourselves in a world where there are many elements and components which give to the formulating of what a brand is. All this being said, no one can deny that name, logo and other design aspects do act as a visual stamp to what a brand represents. We’d go as far to say that design is the most important guide towards people identifying with your product, service or company. Now, when it comes to your business, what is your true brand identity? To be honest, the answer lies with your audience, so you will need to ask them – but in the meantime, here are some critical points you should be looking into right away:

  • Identify your current key identifiers that your audience instantly associates with your brand
  • Get insight to see if these identifiers are effectively communicating the message you want to spread
  • Make certain that there is consistency and continuity all throughout your brands’ exposure

To help you along the way, we’ve made a list …

Our top 5 key brand identifiers:

1. The Name

Juliet Capulet once said, “What’s in a name?” and many would agree – but in context to a world of consumerism and a neverending stampede of brands, we would say that there is a lot in a name, as this is the key identifier that separates one brand to the next. Some brand names formulate quite naturally and the most effective ones, in our opinion, are the ones that are most authentic and more often than not, most simple. On the flip side, when put in a position to name a new brand, there is an art and skill set to successful naming – this could be a challenge for many and the idea of encompassing what a brand represents in the small space of one, maybe two words can be daunting.



2. The Logo

Formulated by either a name or a symbol, the logo is a very significant identifier for a brand. Logo’s are an essential part of taking a brand to ‘iconic’ status. Creating a great logo needs to come from a position of deep understanding and strong vision. Without proper insight and foresight of a brand, one cannot communicate the true essence and will certainly not achieve the ultimate achievement of Timelessness.



3. Typography

Typography is everywhere. From road signs to soda cans to aeroplane in-flight magazines. We are surrounded by typefaces all day, every day and like all the other brand elements, fonts evoke different gut feelings within your audience and more often than not, connects that audience to a product, service or company. The typefaces chosen or created for your brand, are a great opportunity to define personality and should always be used consistently wherever the brand appears.



4. Colour Palette 

Colour is an integral part of any brand. The shades chosen will resonate instantly when coming into the view of people’s sight and will cause them to quickly associate a colour with a brand. Whilst we are here, let’s do a little test (It’ll be fun we promise), using the list of brand names below, notice how quickly you will connect to their colour palette:

  • Coca-Cola
  • Easy Jet
  • McDonalds
  • Starbucks
  • Facebook
  • Premier Inn
  • Cadbury

In order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Purple (Indigo). So we’ve pretty much named the colours of the rainbow by associating with brand names alone – this might feel simple and easy but that’s because of the well-thought-out incorporation of colour within branding.



5. Tone of Voice

Branding is not only identified in imagery but also words. Whether it be a social media post, website content or a company tag line – all formats of words give to a brands tone of voice. When establishing a tone of voice, all brand elements must be factored in, as it’s within this key identifier that the voice of the brand is communicated.


Looking to start a brand? or to effectively communicate true identity through your current brand? Either way, we are here to help you succeed.

Let’s have a chat.