Your Future | Hudson Holdings Recruitment

Employer Branding

Brand Identity 

Creative Campaign

Marketing Strategy 

Content Creation 

Unveiling Your Future: Where Talent Meets Trend

Picture this: the recruitment scene, a bit bland, a bit monotonous. Enter Nero Whyte, your amicable digital maestros. The mission? Transform ‘Hudson Holdings’ from a recruiting introvert into the life of the party. How? By crafting the ‘Your Future’ concept — a unique, vibrant alter ego for Hudson Holdings.

Your Future Unleashed: The Coolest Kid on the Block 

Your Future didn’t just happen, it was a strategic idea sculpted by our talented team at Nero Whyte in collaboration with Hudson’s leadership, to transform the recruitment game. It’s not just a recruitment platform; it’s a lifestyle – a digital hangout where job hunting seamlessly blends with the cool kids’ vibe. We brought our distinctive energy and creativity to create a recruitment experience that was more like an exciting night out than a typical job search. 

Let’s Crunch Some Numbers 💯

Quality over Quantity: Your Future got an average of 78 applications per month. Not just any applications — these were quality candidates who wanted to join the party.

Digital Buzz: Facebook and Instagram became the hotspots, reaching over 50,000 people on a monthly basis. With around 50 new followers every month, Your Future rapidly expanded its social media following. 

Website Fiesta: Your Future website hosts a monthly bash with 3,449 visitors on average per month. 

Crafting Your Future’s Digital Journey 

Conceptualising Cool 😎

Nero Whyte conceptualised Your Future not just as a solution but as an experience—a digital hub where talent met the latest trends. 

Captivating Designs  and Fuelling Social Media Engagement ⛽️

Nero Whyte unleashed a visual extravaganza with designs that were not just eye candy but a treat for the senses. Puns, reverse psychology, and a touch of wit became the visual language.

Content Strategy Bliss ✨

Your Future’s social media strategy went beyond merely posting job listings. We introduced distinct content pillars, Values, Culture, Education, Insights and Interaction and Fun. Each piece of content was strategically designed to serve as a conversation starter and build a vibrant community.

Recruitment Revolution ✊

Nero Whyte dropped 2-3 recruitment ads per month, serving as an invitation to dive into exciting career opportunities. Each ad was an opportunity to join the lively pulse of Your Future.

Web Wonders 🌐

The Your Future website was more than a platform; it was a virtual playground. Nero Whyte ensured every visitor found a captivating reason to linger and explore, driving over 3,000 website visitors monthly whilst having a very low bounce rate of just 4.91%. 

The Encore: Your Future’s Impact 💥

Your Future didn’t just change the recruitment game; it turned it into a party. Quality applications, engaged social media followers, and a website that people didn’t just visit—they experienced it. Nero Whyte didn’t just create a recruitment strategy; they crafted an experience that redefined how talent meets trends in the digital age. The journey of Your Future, guided by the expertise of Nero Whyte, exemplifies how a recruitment-focused company can not only grow but also redefine industry standards. 
By focusing on quality, engagement, and a touch of coolness, Your Future is not just a recruitment platform; it’s an employer brand that stands out in a crowded market. As Your Future continues to headline the future of recruitment, Nero Whyte is unwavering in its commitment to serving up bespoke solutions that propel businesses into success. Whether you’re on the hunt for fresh talents or spicing up your online presence, we’ve got the secret sauce for digital triumph.

Figures That Speak Volumes From 2023: Applications

Avg. Leads Per Month*
Avg. Hot Leads Per Month**
Avg. Applications Per Month

*Applicants who read the job description.

**Applicants who read the full job description and applied.

Social Media 2023

Avg. Facebook Reach Per Month
Avg. Instagram Reach Per Month
Avg. New Facebook Followers Per Month
Avg. New Instagram Followers Per Month
Avg Facebook Page Visits Per Month
Avg Instagram Profile Visits Per Month

Website Metrics 2023

Avg. Website Visitors Per Month
Avg. Engaged Sessions For Month
Avg Session Duration In Seconds
Avg. Bounce Rate %

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Nero Whyte Malta

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Saint George’s Building, Oyster Offices, 3rd Floor, 11, Elija Zammit Street,
St. Julians STJ 3150

+356 9981 5194
[email protected]