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Instagram & Business: Part 2

Instagram & Business: Part 2

We’re back with more valuable Instagram insights for business owners, building on our previous post, Instagram & Business: Part 1.

Our source of information for this Memoir entry comes directly from Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, who shared insights during his interview on The Colin and Samir Show in June 2024. Here at Nero Whyte, we aim to translate this information for businesses seeking to maximise their Instagram presence for growth. Let’s dive into a few more valuable insights.

 1. Follower Count: Less Critical Today, Yet Still Significant for Reach

Follower count remains essential, as it increases your chances of reaching those who choose to follow you. There’s a clear correlation between the number of followers and your reach. However, in today’s landscape, where users spend more time exploring recommendations, the importance of follower count has diminished compared to five years ago.

Mosseri emphasises that, unlike the earlier days of Instagram when the focus was solely on followers, today’s recommendations are key drivers of overall engagement.

“We (Instagram) are connecting consumers with more content they’re interested in, which is beneficial for users. With more reach available, this also lifts average reach for all creators. However, it does mean that your reach can be more volatile because a larger percentage of your average reach will come from the recommendation system.”



2. The Most Effective Content Sparks Conversation

“The content that rises to the top is the content you would share with an individual in a conversation, not that you would yell from a rooftop to the whole world.”

Mosseri highlights this idea in the context of content bias, explaining that the content we choose to share with a friend or a small group is often more positive and meaningful than what we might want the entire world to see.

So what does this mean for creating effective content for your business? Here are some ways to make your content more conversational:

  • Be Relatable: Create content that feels personal, as if you’re having a conversation with a friend.
  • Focus on Substance: Share messages that are positive and meaningful. People are more likely to share content that resonates, so consider what your audience values.
  • Target Smaller Groups: Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, concentrate on specific groups most likely to be interested in your products or services. Tailor your content to their interests and needs.
  • Spark Emotion: Use emotional content, as it’s often more memorable and shareable.



3. Video Reels Should Work Without Sound as Effectively as They Do With Sound

According to Mosseri, approximately half the time videos are played on Instagram is without sound. He stresses the importance of captions:

“Captions are essential. You need to ensure they are visible in the feed, not just in the full-screen viewer. One common mistake is to place captions in a way that users can’t see them until they expand the video.”

When creating content for Instagram, it’s crucial to recognise the significance of the ‘no sound’ aspect. This means not only crafting well-edited captions but also incorporating the absence of sound during the content planning phase to ensure your reel concepts are effective.




4. The Primary Focus Is on Individual Creators Rather Than Brands

“We focus on creators because we believe power will continue to shift from institutions to individuals across industries.” As mentioned in Part 1, Instagram is primarily built for individual creators.

Mosseri provides a clear example: “Just think about how relevant athletes are right now compared to the teams they play for, and how different that was 20 or 30 years ago, with very few exceptions.”

Instagram’s data clearly shows that creators drive more engagement than publishers (brands).

“People want to see the world through the eyes of another individual they relate to or look up to, rather than consume content from a publisher (brand) that feels hyper-processed and designed just for them.”

For many brands, this shift can be difficult to accept, but the trend toward a creator-centric landscape is undeniable.

As a business owner, how can you leverage this to your advantage? Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Collaborate with Creators: Partner with influencers and creators who align with your brand values. Their authentic voice can convey your message in a way that resonates with their followers, fostering trust and engagement.
  • Embrace Authenticity: Shift your content strategy toward more genuine and relatable content. Highlight real stories, behind-the-scenes moments, or user-generated content that showcases your brand through the eyes of everyday people.
  • Build Relationships: Focus on cultivating genuine relationships with creators rather than just transactional partnerships. Authentic connections can lead to more impactful collaborations that resonate with audiences.
  • Leverage Community: Encourage your audience to create content featuring your products or services. This enhances brand loyalty and increases visibility through the individual creator’s perspective.




Navigating the evolving landscape of Instagram can be challenging for businesses, but understanding these insights will empower you to make the most of your social media strategy. At Nero Whyte, we’re here to support you on your Instagram journey. Whether you need help creating engaging content or developing effective strategies, we’ve got your back every step of the way. Let’s work together to unlock the full potential of your Instagram presence.

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